A New Adventure Begins...
Join us over the summer for a fun, adventure-filled series of one-week camps complete with epic characters, monsters, quests, and new friends!
Our campers will create their own characters, develop their own histories and chart a path through destiny!
Ages: 10 - 16
Camps begin May 30th
Each session only $200!
What happens at Camp?
On the first day of camp, attendees will:
Use a computer to design a 3D model that will be printed at camp!
Create their own character for a role playing game.
Paint their miniature in paint class!
Choose their very own set of dice
DAYS 2 - 4
Finish creating their characters and / or painting their models
Take their characters on an adventure through a fantasy world, working together to solve puzzles, overcome challenges, and face a variety of monsters!
The end of each day will be spent leveling up their characters and learning new skills and abilities to use for the next day!
Campers will conclude their epic adventure, overcoming a powerful villain to save the day!
They will get to keep their characters, models, and dice for future games!
Each day will be interspersed with breaks and physical activity! Campers will also have the opportunity to learn and play a variety of board games and video games!
Session 1
May 30th - June 3rd
Session 2
June 6th - June 10th
Session 3
June 20th - June 24th
Session 4
June 27th - July 1st
Session 5
July 11th - July 15th
Session 6
July 18th - July 22nd
Session 7
August 1st - August 5th
Session 8
August 8th - August 12th
All campers will be responsible for bringing / purchasing their own meals. A variety of food will be available to purchase from the Nexus Snack Bar!
Additionally, there will be space to refrigerate any food brought from home as well as a microwave for camper use.
Sample Menu
Here are some of the things that campers will find at the Nexus Snack Bar!
Pizza (Cheese / Pepperoni)
Chicken Sandwiches
Rib Sandwiches
Hot Pockets
Candy Bars
Beef Jerky
Root Beer
Join the Party
Dungeons & Dragons is a fundamentally social experience. A team of adventurers, known as a party, are immersed in a pseudo-medieval world of sword-and-sorcery run by the Dungeon Master (“DM” for short), who narrates the setting and events and adapts the emerging game to the players’ free actions and decisions. The world of the game is orally constructed and conjured in the imagination with the help of rule books, reference guides, charts, multifaceted dice and maps.
Rather than compete, players work together to coordinate their complementary skill sets to problem-solve and overcome diverse challenges. Their co-dependence translates into a sense of belonging and genuine social cohesion.
Cooperative games are on the rise right now as I think people are tired of strict competition in every game they play. D&D is the original cooperative game,
D&D is a class-based system in the sense that your set of usable in-game skills is determined entirely by your class. Since the classes are based on archetypes (e.g. the knight, the wizard, the thief and the priest), the skills vary. As adventuring occurs in a dangerous and dynamic environment where all those skills are needed, for the most part, if you don’t cooperate you fail.
Players develop real relationships with the other players at the table, and while they can still get annoyed or frustrated with one another, they learn to support each other, sometimes with a kind word and other times with a perfectly placed fireball!
Social-emotional learning (SEL) has become a hot topic in educational discourse as a growing body of evidence finds that self-confidence, self-control, social and self-awareness, empathy and a sense of well-being are predictive of academic success.
The ability to imagine, design and role-play a character who has a background from an imaginary universe with its own rule context is immensely sophisticated. Practicing this confers many emotional benefits, including increased empathy skills, negotiation, problem-solving, teamwork and social maneuvering. These are all immensely valuable skills in the adult world, as well as for children.
It’s also a ton of fun!